Hi guys! It's been awhile now since my last update and i'm glad that Gabe, Maggi and Gillian tagged me to answer some of their questions. So let's start!

The Rules:
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions the tagger has sent you through their post and make a new set of 11 questions
3. Tag 11 people and link them to your post
4. Let them know you've tagged them

Gabe's Questions:

1. If you could shrink anyone down to fit in your pocket, who would you choose?
- It would be David Beckham. I know he's too old for me but who cares? He's hot.
2. If you could bring back any TV show that has already ended, which would you choose?
- That's So Raven, Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, iCarly.. I have really like A LOT!
3. You have one tiny part of blank wall space left, what poster would you put up?
- A photo of me jumping off a cliff.
4. Tumblr or Twitter?
- Seriously Gabe?! Hmm.. Okay, I'll choose Twitter.
5. If a photo you uploaded on Instagram gets a spot in the Popular Page, what would the photo be?
- A candid photo of LA Aguinaldo and I laughing like nobody's watching.
6. What's your lucky number?
- Twenty One.
7. Which would you rather excel in: dancing, drawing, or singing?
- Drawing!
8. What is one thing that you are most proud of?
- To be a part of the I Know Write Manila team. Because it's rare for teens these days to be build a community like this and because I like socializing with other people.
9. If you had a million dollars, what would be your first move?
- I will invest it for my education. Because I want to pursue my Fashion Journalism Dream.
10. What's your Starbucks order? (HA HA)
- Iced White Chocolate Mocha, Mango Passion Fruit and Mocha Frappe.
11. What/who inspired you to start blogging?
- When I read my book The Teen Vogue Handbook.

Maggi's Questions:

1. What is your favorite Oscar-nominated movie this year?
- I don't watch TV, I'm sorry.
2. What would be your famous last words and to whom would you say it to?
- I wish you knew me better. To my parents.
3. Which character from the Harry Potter series would you be best friends with?
- Pass. I haven't watched Harry Potter, tbh.
4. Your house is burning. What would be the 3 things you would save?
- My gadgets, collections and wifi
5. If you were an X-Men, what would be your mutation?
- Pass. I haven't watched X-Men.
6. Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?
- White with black stripes sounds better. Haha
7. What's your favorite book series?
- Abbi Glines, Sea Breeze series ❤️
8. If you had a chance to talk to your favorite celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be?
- Harry Styles or Niall Horan
9. Do you collect anything?
- Yes. Books and CD's 
10. Who is your favorite blogger?
- Zoe Suen
11. Who is your favorite historical figure?
- Idk.

Lara, x


Photographed by Renz Mart Reyes Styled by JL Crespo  #TeamRyujiShiomitsu Assisted by Lara Labitoria